How Your Emotions are Hidden in Physical Pain and Dis-ease
You’ve had a stressful day at work. You come home feeling tense in the shoulders. Your muscles have tightened up and you end up with what is...
When Your Children Trigger Past Trauma: A Surprise Parenting Peril
I’m triggered by my children.
I know that they’re just being normal kids, but I feel unheard and invisible when they don’t listen or pay attention to what...
Putting the Pieces Together
I grew up in a small family. I have one sister and a few cousins that were much older than me. I wasn't around babies until I...
5 Easy Ways to Create a Personal Spa When You Need a Break
We all need some TLC, tender loving care, every once in awhile. Sometimes we have to make the time to create that for ourselves. It's called self-care...
The Essentials of Communication: An Aromatherapy Approach
Do you find it difficult to sometimes find it difficult to communicate? I mean, we communicate every day. Either through physically speaking our native language, through sign...
Parenting Invisible Special Needs
Anytime you are different, it is difficult in this world. Whether you look different, speak differently, dress differently, think differently, act differently, walk differently, etc., you are...
Recapturing the Feeling of New Love through Aromatherapy
Ah, Spring is in the air, and so is love! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the sun is welcoming us back outside.
Spring is...
Your Everything Guide to Essential Oils in the Bedroom
When you think of essential oils, what does it bring to mind? For me, it brings to mind aroma. The aromatic applications of essential oils are well known....