
4 Amazing Websites About Personal Struggle

Blogirl - Darla Halyk

This was the lady that helped me strive for more with my writing. I realised that through regularly reading her there is always room for pushing myself that little bit more, eventually exposing myself in ways that I could never imagine. I have always said that writing is a good way to process my thoughts, and I’ve learned through Darla that by laying myself bare I can process and move on from whatever it is that ails me. She helped me get on the Huffington Post, and, my favourite piece of hers sits on there. She has yet to top such a relevant bastion of hope for me. Her article can be found here

Shawna Ainslie - The Honeyed Quill

shawna ainslie - honeyed quill

Shawna is quite the mental survivalist and she’s pretty much taught me everything that I know when it comes to writing about grief. She is eons beyond anyone that I have ever met in terms of collaborative working. She believes that we can move forward in collaboration; something that I pride myself on. This is why she is now the editor for this site. Shawna has a lovely website with lots of stories of overcoming hardship, but it’s much more than that. She’s also a teacher and mentor. I’d recommend her services.

Shareen Mansfield - OTV Magazine

I write here! Shareen took me on from almost day 1 when I was a budding hopeful. It was the first ever publication that I wrote for. Think of OTV as a place to grow, where the editors will mentor and help you improve the writing that you send over to them. I’ll be writing for OTV until I drop because it’s a magazine that will be going somewhere in the future. I see a bright future for this place. It’s packed full of stories of grief, harships and overcoming all of that. It’s a nice eclectic mix though, lots of stories about joy also!

The Good Men Project


One of my favourite places to write for if I’m honest. It’s a website enhancing the conversation about men in a sensible and respectful fashion. I’m no stranger to the dark alleyways of the web and I’ve came across pro men websites that are nearing criminal, just the same as I have equally came across pro women websites that host the same anti-opposite gender hate. This place isn’t that. It is perhaps the only pro-men website that I have seen so far that opens up a conversation no-one is having about men in an entirely respectful way. I love it. And I love writing for it. Lots and lots of harship and gender related stories in here from men and women.

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Raymond is a Mental Health activist and cryptocurrency enthusiast. He fuels his activism by taking to the web and trying to create core change in the way people interact. As an ex-Community​ Manager, Raymond has a unique approach to communication and relationships and believes the way forward in life is improving the interactions between one another. Raymond started his blogging activities as a way to heal from a chequered past, and through this, his blog has become something far more empowering than he ever imagined. And thus, The Relationship Blogger Magazine was born.


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